Axiscope Solutions


Need: Involve collaborators in projects and decisions concerning them, insert formal participation in the decision-making process, promote exchanges and participation beyond the circle of opponents.
AXISCOPE allows to manage resistance to change collectively, gives a voice to collaborators, adapts projects/decisions according to the suggestions of all.
Solution: AXISCOPE is a business solution made for dialogue and co-construction.
• Organize dialogue, discussions and exchanges for building projects
• Launch consultations and surveys to refine a project or facilitate decision-making with collaborators
• Implement a collaborative organization to build projects from ideas/proposals collected from collaborators.
Benefits: The platform has powerful, customizable features and a rigorous design for ease of use and adoption. It is accessible wherever the employees are located. Its applications in service mode can be activated immediately. Its integration and extension capacity are facilitated through our tools and interfaces.


Dialogue and discussions consist in exchanges on a given subject for a common project, with subjects proposed by identified and logged in users, public dialogue or dialogue reserved for a community, participant commentary and free, open dialogue, with moderation on discussions and commentaries by an administrator, along with the possibility of proposing/structuring an idea from dialogue.

Consultation and surveys make it possible to refine a project or facilitate decision-making with employees through public or community polls and surveys, proposed by managers, single-choice or multiple-choice responses with an open response field, moderation of discussion/comments by the administrator, as well as a survey module.

Co-construction allows to collect ideas/proposals for Management, whether these are ideas suggested by connected users, public ideas/proposals visible for all, voting on an idea/proposal open to all, commentaries from participants and dialogue on the ideas with moderation on discussions/commentaries by the administrator.

Communities structure the involvement of collaborators in decisions which concern them with groups and spaces intended for collaboration and exchanges, communication features and information sharing, activity feeds, discussions, and debates as well as varying content: surveys, discussions, documents, questions, etc.